Getting closer to IBO BEACH revival

GB Group looks to enter into a long-term lease of the island of Ile-à-Cabrits, more famously known as Ibo Beach. The intent is to create a safe and enjoyable getaway just 30 minutes outside of Port-au-Prince offering visitors, members and homeowners full service amenities. Although the final plans have yet to be completed, the final product will encompass the construction of a boutique hotel, private homes, a small marina and […]

Huileries Haitiennes honored as #1 tax payer in Haiti

L’Administration Générale des Douanes (AGD) in Haiti, took special pride in paying homage to Haiti’s top 30 tax paying import companies (outside of petroleum) for the fiscal year of 2009-2010. In celebration of the International Customs Day this past January 26th 2011 at the Sugar Cane Historical Park, the top 5 companies – which combined contributed 11% of all taxes paid – received commemorative plaques to thank them for their […]

Huileries Haïtiennes honorés comme n°1 contribuable en Haïti

L’Administration générale des Douanes (AGD) en Haïti, a particulièrement fier de rendre hommage aux 30 meilleures sociétés qui versent à l’importation d’impôt d’Haïti (hors pétrole) pour l’exercice 2009-2010. Dans la célébration de la Journée internationale de la douane ce 26 2011 Janvier au Sugar Cane Parc historique passé, le top 5 des entreprises – qui, ensemble, ont contribué 11% de tous les impôts payés – ont reçu des plaques commémoratives […]

Huileries Haitiennes honored as #1 tax payer in Haiti

L’Administration Générale des Douanes (AGD) in Haiti, took special pride in paying homage to Haiti’s top 30 tax paying import companies (outside of petroleum) for the fiscal year of 2009-2010. In celebration of the International Customs Day this past January 26th 2011 at the Sugar Cane Historical Park, the top 5 companies – which combined contributed 11% of all taxes paid – received commemorative plaques to thank them for their […]

American Airlines in Haiti awarded “Best Customer Service”

Le Nouvelliste. Thursday, August 12th, 2010. American Airlines staff in Haiti was honored this past Wednesday in Toussaint Louverture’s Departures wing with the Customer Service Champions award. A team from American Airlines headquarters made the trip to Haiti specifically to give out this prestigious honor. As aviation fuel supplier to American Airlines in Haiti, DINASA is proud to have contributed in obtaining such a renowned recognition for American Airlines in Haiti.

American Airlines en Haïti élu «Meilleur service client”

Le Nouvelliste. Thursday, 12th Août 2010. American Airlines personnel en Haïti a été honoré mercredi dernier dans Départs aile de Toussaint Louverture avec le Service à la clientèle Champions prix. Une équipe du siège American Airlines a fait le voyage à Haïti spécifiquement pour donner cet honneur prestigieux. En tant que fournisseur de carburant aviation à American Airlines en Haïti, DINASA est fier d’avoir contribué à obtenir une telle reconnaissance […]

American Airlines in Haiti awarded “Best Customer Service”

Le Nouvelliste. Thursday, August 12th, 2010. American Airlines staff in Haiti was honored this past Wednesday in Toussaint Louverture’s Departures wing with the Customer Service Champions award. A team from American Airlines headquarters made the trip to Haiti specifically to give out this prestigious honor. As aviation fuel supplier to American Airlines in Haiti, DINASA is proud to have contributed in obtaining such a renowned recognition for American Airlines in Haiti.

Republic doubles fleet!

This month, REPUBLIC purchased over 50 trucks and consequently doubles its fleet instantly in order to provide an even more exceptional and timely service. REPUBLIC is the GB Group’s fully fledged Transportation Company born to provide GB Group affiliated companies an efficient and competitive national logistics platform that has since grown to offer its services to third parties. Republic has the infrastructure and resources to guarantee continued growth with current […]

Republic doubler la flotte!

Ce mois-ci, REPUBLIC acheté plus de 50 camions et double conséquence sa flotte instantanément afin d’offrir un service encore plus exceptionnel et en temps opportun. REPUBLIC est du Groupe GB à part entière Transportation Company né pour offrir aux entreprises affiliées du Groupe Go une plate-forme logistique national efficace et concurrentiel qui a depuis grandi pour offrir ses services à des tiers. REPUBLIC dispose de l’infrastructure et des ressources pour garantir une […]

Republic doubles fleet!

This month, REPUBLIC purchased over 50 trucks and consequently doubles its fleet instantly in order to provide an even more exceptional and timely service. REPUBLIC is the GB Group’s fully fledged Transportation Company born to provide GB Group affiliated companies an efficient and competitive national logistics platform that has since grown to offer its services to third parties. Republic has the infrastructure and resources to guarantee continued growth with current […]