GB Group is honored by the Chamber of Commerce among 8 others

Yesterday, December 8th 2011, the GB Group was honored by the Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de l’Ouest (CCIO) among 8 other distinguished companies for their great contribution to Haiti’s economic and social development.

The GB Group not only wishes to congratulate its fellow award recipients but also wishes to exhort other renowned companies to actively enhance Haiti’s future. The Group is highly invested in Haiti’s long term growth and survival thus it actively looks for opportunities to promote its country’s brand.

The Gilbert Bigio Group humbly accepts this prestigious award and wishes to thank the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce and its President, Mr. Hervé Denis, immensely.

Read more on what the Group’s currently working on here.

Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie & GB GROUP



GB Group is honored by the Chamber of Commerce among 8 others

Yesterday, December 8th 2011, the GB Group was honored by the Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de l’Ouest (CCIO) among 8 other distinguished companies for their great contribution to Haiti’s economic and social development.

The GB Group not only wishes to congratulate its fellow award recipients but also wishes to exhort other renowned companies to actively enhance Haiti’s future. The Group is highly invested in Haiti’s long term growth and survival thus it actively looks for opportunities to promote its country’s brand.

The Gilbert Bigio Group humbly accepts this prestigious award and wishes to thank the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce and its President, Mr. Hervé Denis, immensely.

Read more on what the Group’s currently working on here.

Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie & GB GROUP