United Airlines Recognizes GB Energy Aviation as Fuel Supplier

energy-gbaviation-logo“PUNTA CUnited_Airlines_Merger_Interim_LogoANA, Dominican Republic. February 15, 2016 – GB Energy Aviation has received a special recognition from United Airlines for its support and level of service provided during 2015 as the airline’s fuel supplier at Punta Cana International Airport.

United Airlines highlighted the professionalism of the GB Energy Aviation team, as well as the security protocols and timely delivery of services that GB Energy Aviation efficiently provides during its operations. ‘We are very pleased with the level of commitment and timeliness of GB Energy Aviation when fueling our aircraft, a task performed with a high degree of professionalism. This is why we want to provide this recognition,’ said Marisol Turbi, Manager of United Airlines.

During 2015, GB Energy Aviation met United Airlines’ fueling needs safely and on time, especially during months of high air traffic, such as December, when United Airlines had up to 10 scheduled flights per day.

As spokesperson for GB Energy Aviation, Eliardo Cairo, Aviation Operations Regional Manager, was very grateful for this recognition and said that ‘the team is delighted to receive such honor which reinforces our commitment to delivering the best service and quality, traits that have allowed us to become the leading company in the fuel market, both nationally and in the Caribbean.’ ” [1]

[1] “United Airlines Reconoce a Suplidor De Combustible GB Energy Aviation.”7dias.com.do. N.p., 15 Feb. 2016. Web. 15 Feb. 2016. <http://www.7dias.com.do/sociedad/2016/02/15/i205352_united-airlines-reconoce-suplidor-combustible-energy-aviation.html#.VsS7g5MrKCT>.