Huileries Haitiennes S.A.’s NEW products now AVAILABLE!

Gourmet Evaporated Milk:

Huileries Haïtiennes, S.A. also known as HUHSA – one of the largest and most respected consumer goods companies in Haiti – is proud to introduce Gourmet Evaporated Milk.

Capitalizing on HUHSA’s experience, infrastructure and large distribution network GOURMET Evaporated Milk  has now entered the market with great promise and incredible public acceptance.

Puritex & Kim Powdered Detergent:

Additionaly, Huileries Haitiennes has been actively investing in the latest manufacturing technologies with the acquisition of new machinery for the laundry soap, bath soap and powder detergent segments.

This significant investment has already yielded a new 100 gram presentation for the Puritex and Kim Powdered Detergents.

For over 30 years, Huileries Haitiennes has aimed to serve each and every consumer. We wouldn’t have it any other way. 

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