24MW of competitive and reliable power now online at Lafito Industrial Free Zone!

Lafiteau, Haiti. Monday, November 5th, 2018 – Today marks an important day, not only for the Lafito endeavor but also for Haiti, as 24MW of competitive and reliable power is now available!  The 24MW power plant is centrally located in the Lafito Industrial Free Zone (or LIFZ for short) within the fully-integrated economic zone of Lafito Global. The Power Plant is comprised of ten (10) 2.4 MW Daihatsu engines (a division of Toyota) and represents the largest Daihatsu power plant in the world.

Strategically located along Route Nationale 1, the country’s primary artery connecting Port-au-Prince to the major secondary cities of St. Marc, Gonaives, & Cap Haitian; the power plant is the best-positioned power plant in the country poised to contribute immediately to the country’s ambitious electricity expansion plans.

“We have excess capacity available, particularly in off-peak hours, and we are eager to continue playing our part to increase capacity and efficiency, and decrease costs on the national grid” comments Andress Appolon, General Manager, Lafito Industrial Free Zone.

LIFZ already has a concession with the Haitian government (signed in 2015), to distribute power within Lafito Global as well as neighboring industrial consumers. The concession includes a provision for distribution to km70. LIFZ will continue to work with officials to ensure that the country takes full benefit of its first 100% privately funded power plant without any sovereign guarantees.

The plant has been engineered to provide an unprecedented level of reliability and flexibility including a fully-redundant, dual circuit distribution line to allow maintenance without service interruption to clients.

The Power Plant at Lafito Industrial Free Zone, is the only Power Plant in Haiti attached to a Free Zone, an Industrial Park, an International Port and Container Terminal. As part of the Lafito Global Integrated Economic Zone, the Power Plant is the latest addition to the suite of critical infrastructure being offered to international manufacturing companies in Haiti.

Lafito Industrial Free Zone offers manufacturers a complete package: exceptional location, integrated infrastructure and professional partnerships in addition to being the only location in Haiti to offer its manufacturers the essential conditions to efficiently and effectively produce high-quality goods for the United States and other key markets.

“I am excited to be a part of this transformational project in Haiti and continuing the socio-economic development of the region. I am a strong believer that we can invest in our local staff to demonstrate the untapped potential of the local workforce” asserts Mr. Mario Charest, COO, LIFZ Power Plant.

“After an aggressive 15-month construction schedule, I am thrilled to see the power plant go live! This marks an important milestone in Lafito Global’s development when we can finally offer our current and future tenants reliable power at competitive prices. I am excited about the possibilities this new phase of development will bring for foreign direct investment, innovation and job creation in Haiti, in general, and here at Lafito, in particular” adds Mrs. Appolon.

This feat carries a significant impact on the community. Since the beginning, Lafito Industrial Free Zone has been committed to investing in vital infrastructure that will support economic growth and job creation. In keeping with that vision, the LIFZ Power Plant boasts 21 full-time employees of which 19 or 90% are Haitian nationals. Only a handful of foreign professionals were brought on board for their expertise and are required to ensure proper knowledge transfer. With this structure, Lafito Global is proud to be contributing to the creation of high-value, sustainable new jobs.

The power plant is live as of today and already providing power to the tenants of Lafito Global in its start-up phase and will be extending to more industrial clients within a year. The power plant provides reliable and cost-efficient power to further entice international companies towards investing in Haiti.

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